Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Welcome Back Swimmers!

Welcome back after one week of our pool being closed.  We are excited to start our Spring Session with all of you.  The pool has a nice new coat of paint and you may notice it is darker.  Don't worry, everything else is the same!  The depth is the same, the water is still warm, and most importantly we are still a salt water pool!  Remember to sign up for Spring lessons if you haven't done so already or join us for Open Swim!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Top 4 Reasons to try Aqua Fitness


  1. You don’t need to know how to swim!
Despite what you may think, you do not need to know how to swim in order to participate in aqua fitness classes.  Our pool is 4 feet deep, making it perfect to exercise in while standing.  Swimming has many health benefits since it is a full body exercise, but if you have never learned it can be intimidating.  However, exercising, dancing, or walking in the pool are things that anyone can do, it does not take any practice or skills to begin!  Of course, if you do want to learn how to swim, we offer that too! ; )

  1. It is low impact!
Exercising in the pool is great for your joints because it is a low impact work out!  If you are overweight, suffering from arthritis, or recovering from an injury your doctor has probably recommended that you begin a low impact exercise routine.  The pool is the best option because the water provides a unique environment.  The buoyancy of the water reduces stress on your joints; while the water resistance helps build muscle…see number 3.

  1. Water resistance helps build muscle!
On land, we use weights to increase muscle mass, but did you know the resistance of the water can help you do that simply with every move you make.  Working out in water adds 12-14% more resistance than on land.  We also have water weights which we use in our aqua fitness classes.  These foam weights don’t feel like much, but used in the right way, give you an excellent strength training work out.   As you age, you tend to lose muscle mass.  Don’t let that be the case by keeping up with regular exercise in aqua fitness classes.

  1. Working out reduces depression and stress!
When you exercise, your body produces endorphins.  Endorphins trigger a reaction of feeling positive and happy.  Along with the endorphins you will be releasing, you will also feel accomplished for trying something new and by coming to classes you will meet new people.  Exercise is proven to reduce stress, boost self esteem, and improve sleep.  Why not come try an Aquacise or Aqua Zumba class at Five Star Aquatics?