Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Swimming builds CONFIDENT kids!

Swimming has so many health benefits for children, including increased body awareness, coordination, and muscle tone.   Did you know that swimming also increases a child’s confidence?  Confidence is something that every parent wants for their child.  By learning how to swim, children gain a confidence that is carried over into every other aspect of their life.
Enrolling your child in swim lessons from a young age will make them more likely to feel comfortable in water and less likely to grow up with a water phobia or fear.  (More tips about overcoming fear later)  When a child has a healthy comfort level in the pool, he or she will be able to pick up swimming skills with ease.  Being able to put the face in the water is one of the big first steps for little ones.  Little by little, the child will build upon this basic skill until he or she is able to swim independently across the pool.  
At Five Star Swim School, we begin parent and child swim lessons at 6 months old.  It is important for your child’s first experience in the pool to be accompanied by a trusted adult.  This helps the child feel safe and calm. Many children cry their first time in the pool. Being with a loving, supportive adult will help them to adjust to the new environment.  Once your child reaches the age of 2.5 years old, you can enroll them in a class without a parent.  In the group classes, your child will learn skills alongside other children of similar age and level. (We always have a 3:1 ratio)  The small group environment is ideal because the instructor can provide individualized attention while the child is also learning from peers.  
Dealing with a fearful child can be frustrating for parents.  Learn how to deal with their fear in a positive way.  Help your child ease into the new environment at their own pace.  Bringing the child to Open Swim is a great way to introduce them to the pool before starting swim lessons.  Open swim is when the pool is open to the general public at the cost of $5 per person.  Avoiding the pool will reinforce the fear in your child and will send them the message that it is too scary to swim.   
Remember that a water phobia is learned, no one is born with the fear of water.  By starting young and learning the safety skills, your child will never have to experience the negative feelings of water fear.  There are many adults who do not know how to swim and end up passing down their fear of water to their children.   Here at Five Star Aquatics, we have adult swim lessons also!  We have worked with many adults who are learning the very basics of swimming and we can help you overcome the phobia that you may have.  That being said, swimming not only build confident can also help adults achieve confidence in themselves.  After all, wouldn't you feel accomplished if you learned something new and overcame your fear?

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